Independent Art Projects: Object Paint Film

My recent exhibitions have all been unique to their setting, they reflect the audience and the space that hosted them. They also attracted new audiences by offering immersive art events in interesting venues. Here is a 5 minute documentary of  The Big Night at the Tower.

This information is for venue managers, festival bookers, promotions or campaign event organisers. It’s for any team with a venue or project that could be enriched by a personalised, joined up art experience.

We have a track record of attracting and engaging visitors who don’t usually ‘do’ art, or only have the confidence to do so as a browser rather than a participant. These pop ups have all attracted new audiences to engage with art more actively. 

We can scale it to your needs and your space - we can rig a pop up on a table top or in a 400 sq. ft. public area. 

The full rig is a portable, freestanding zigzag structure made of twelve 8 x 4’ panels. The outside face of the installation is painted scenic canvas, which can be customised for your venue. Inside are up to twelve 8 x 4’ boards for hanging 2D and 3D work. This portable structure encloses up to 215 sq. ft. floor area. We designed it to flatpack and travel, up to 500 miles from Hoek van Holland. 

Pictured above right is a maquette of a project I am working on at the moment. 

To discuss an immersive art experience at your venue please get in touch, and we can talk about the constraints of the space and the needs of your audience.

Contact me:
+44 (0)7811 383722